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Welcome email - triggered when user subscribes to a blood sugar reset checklist on Instagram link in bio. 

Nurture email - sent weekly to subscribed users. Provides valuable health information in an easy to digest manner. 

Sales Page - triggered when user clicks link in bio on Instagram for 1 on 1 consultation. 


Welcome Email

Goal: Make new visitors/subscribers aware of functional medicine services and create weekly content to engage with them and give valuable health advice and resources. 

What I Did: Wanted to create a nice welcoming introduction of the functional medicine practitioner and his services, while highlighting what subscribers can expect from his emails going forward and offering a light reminder that he can help them further by working directly with them. 


SUBJECT LINE: Welcome to Integrative Wellness RX

PREVIEW LINE: 20% off welcome code on all products!

Hey X,


Welcome to Integrative Wellness Rx. I wanted to introduce myself, I'm Jake, the owner and functional medicine practitioner of Integrative Wellness Rx. 

If you don't know what a functional medicine practitioner does and how you could benefit, I'm here to simplify it for you. 

I help you treat the root causes of your symptoms through diet, lifestyle change and a supplementation treatment plan. Meaning, I don't mask your symptoms with a pill, I learn about you in depth, what problems you're experiencing. 


Basically, we do a deep dive into your health to get to the root problems and get your body running at an optimal level. 

Here's what you can expect from me going forward - I'll be sending you weekly newsletters on a range of topics that will be beneficial to your health journey.


My goal is to make it easy for you to implement and understand. No technical jargon from me! 

And if you ever feel like you need additional help in your journey and want to work one on one - I'm simply one click away!

You can read here for some pretty amazing testimonials from my patients. 

If you wish to no longer receive these emails, simply unsubscribe through the unsubscribe button below. 

Talk soon, 


P.S. Welcome code HEALTHY20 is good until 5.27.24! This code is good for any supplement products you purchase through my website. 

Nurture Email

Goal: Create weekly content to engage for audience and give valuable health advice and links to resources. 

What I Did: Based off of the most popular response answers from his Instagram stories, I create emails around those popular topics to make sure we're giving the audience what they want and what's important to them currently. 

Subject Line:

The key driving force in your ability to lose weight is your blood sugar


Preview Line:

This is how the foods you eat directly impact your blood sugar


Hi X,


What I’ve noticed in my years of practice is that people understand the difference between “good” and “bad” foods, but rarely do they understand the difference between “food” and nutrient dense food and how each affects your blood sugar in different ways.


What even is blood sugar? You may ask. Simply put, when you eat a piece of food, that piece of food directly impacts your blood sugar levels in a positive or negative way. When you eat a donut, it spikes your blood sugar…for hours I might mention. That is damaging to your cells and creates inflammation. But when you eat animal protein for instance, or a lower carb vegetable, your blood sugar levels will be even.


Which is what we want. We want a straight line, not one that looks like a roller coaster. Your blood sugar is the single most important driving force in your ability to lose weight, among many other health markers.


But to keep it simple for today's lesson, we will strictly focus on weight loss as it relates to blood sugar. When you’re on a blood sugar roller coaster, it’s not possible to effectively lose weight. It's less about counting calories, fat, etc (the things people think is important in order to lose weight) and more about increasing our intake of true nutrient dense food that supports our blood sugar.


I’ve written an in-depth article on my blog discussing food and its effects on blood sugar as it relates to weight lose if you’d like to take it a step further! I also discuss direct and indirect solutions for you to implement now so that you understand exactly what foods spike your blood sugar in the moment.

If you need more assistance, I'd be honored to work with you 1 on 1.

Book My Consultation


All things health and healing,







Audience clicks on link in bio on Instagram to work 1 on 1 and directed to this landing page.




Hi there. I’m Jake. I’ve spent the last 10 years as a practicing functional medicine doctor helping people reclaim their health and wellness through functional methods. I started out in general medicine after receiving my medical degree from UT Southwestern. After about 3 years of working as a general practitioner, I realized my passion wasn’t in covering up my patients' conditions with a pill.


My personal passion has always been rooted in nutrition and a functional approach to living. That’s when I pivoted and today, I truly feel like this is where I belong and I’ve helped so many amazing people dealing with various chronic issues.


Why functional medicine? Functional medicine addresses the body as a whole. The work I do is rooted in true healing. I am so passionate to help you address your concerns. To learn more about what I do watch this 5-minute YouTube video. To read real reviews from my patients, just click here.

When you’re ready, book your consultation appointment below. I look forward to helping you reclaim your health!


All the love,





1 on 1 Consultation Appointment


How it works:

You'll submit a detailed profile about yourself.

Next, you’ll select a virtual appointment time.

Then we will meet virtually and discuss everything in depth.

From here I will suggest the best blood tests for you.


Once you do your blood work you will schedule a follow up appointment with me to go over your results and from there a plan of action which will usually be a combination of a supplement protocol and nutritional plan.



Initial 75 minute Consultation - $600

Blood Work (varies based on insurance coverage) $200-$1000

Follow up App - 45 minutes $300


Additional appointments for established clients

45 minute appointment $280

25 minute appointment $190



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